Saturday, 10 January 2015

**YOU** Can Do SO Much!!

“In the 19th century Jules Verne wrote some of the greatest adventure stories ever told.  Novels such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and The Mysterious Island.  Most consider these works of science fiction.  Vernians know otherwise.”

At the beginning of the Warner Bros. movie of Journey 2 the Mysterious Island, Michael Cane speaks these words.  So, it appears that Saturday the 10th of January, 2015 was the day I officially became a Vernian, at least in theory.  

A few days ago, I came across this YouTube clip.  It may well be that you've already seen the clip, and that's what's brought you here, but if not, then maybe you'd like to go and have a look now.  I'm sure that after the first couple of slides you'll want to see the rest of it anyway, and it's only 6 minutes long.  

Oh gwan.... Have a look at the first three slides of this and see if you want to watch any more.  It's a perfect explanation of what I've been going through over the last couple of years, and the months since August 2014 in particular, which led to me spending some time in my local mental health unit after what was commonly referred to as a nervous breakdown brought on by Empty Nest Syndrome which was exacerbated by the fact that I've been a single parent for the last 13 years.

I never expected to suffer from mental health issues.  I've never been prone to depression, and if anyone ever suggested the possibility of empty nest syndrome, I've always mentally dismissed it because I assumed it only affected over protective mothers who mollycoddle their children and just can't cut the apron strings.  That's not the view I have of my relationship with my girls at all, but that's because those mothers are not the only people who suffer it.  It can affect dads just as severely, and it can happen to any parent who's main priority has always been their children.  There's no stereotyping in this phenomenon, it's a symptom of being a good parent.  Over time I hope to help you to question a lot of the assumptions we make on a daily basis.  If there's one piece of advice I'd like to pass on, it's this.

Question *everything* you think you know

The last few months have been incredibly difficult - quite honestly, the most difficult of my life.  Not only that, but it's been just as hard for everyone around me.  My close friends and family were very affected by my "mental illness", but our relationships have also suffered, and I know each of them is also suffering their own worst time of their lives in any number of different ways and for a multitude of different reasons.

I'm confident that anyone reading this blog will be able to relate to this on a personal level, but also, anyone who reads the news will be more than aware that it's happening on a much bigger scale as well.  Our countries on an individual basis, and our entire planet on a global and internal scale is going through the most difficult time of it's entire existence.  Most people cannot see how we can get out of this difficult time, but if you're reading this, then you're one of the luckiest ones around!  You were chosen to help bring the solution to fruition.  

The flip side of the doom and gloom though, is that almost everyone I know can also point to 2014 as having been one of the best of their lives - quite possibly their best ever!  I certainly can, it's been an absolutely wonderful year, and I'll treasure so many memories of it for ever.  I couldn't begin to list how many wonderful things have happened, and although I do still feel twinges of sadness for the loss of far too many people I love, I know that the good outweighs the bad by a very long way.  I hope that you can look back and feel the same way.

You might not believe me just yet, but I can promise you that chose to be living for this time, because this is huge.  It's the most incredibly exciting time in the whole history of everything, and if you identify as a Light Worker, then you're a member of the reconnaissance team.  

I'm very aware that this news may or may not have come as a surprise to you, but I'm here to guide you through the confusion and answer any questions you might have along the way.  Think of me as your favourite teacher when you were younger.  The one you could talk to, who would always take the time to answer your questions and make sure you understood before you left.  I've been where you are right now, and I'm here to light the path so that it's easier for you to see where you're going.  Trust me, the view is beyond your wildest dreams, and the more you look, the more you see.  It's like one of those magic eye pictures from the 90s - and I'm going to teach you how to see them!

If you're an existing reader of my blogs, then you'll know that I get a lot of my inspiration from music and film - the entertainment industry as a whole really.  I started writing when I saw the trailer for the next Star Wars Movie, and I got so excited I wrote an email to a friend of mine who very kindly posted on his website and entitled The Force Awakens Memories

I've created a blog in the weeks since then, and have come to the realisation over that time that I started my training for now when I was just 12 years old.  My early life was preparation for the training, and the training period was preparation for now.  When I was 12, I went to a wonderful boarding school in Cyprus, called the Logos School for English Education.  I have such fond memories of all the people I met while I was there, and am Facebook friends with many of them now.  I hope one day I'll be able to let them know just how much they influenced my life without even realising.

Whilst I was there, I studied The Bible, and at the age of 13 I was teaching the kindergarten children about parables and the morals behind them.  I wasn't given the lessons for those children, I read my Bible and then I created a lesson for them so that they understood the meanings behind stories like the Good Samaritan.

That skill has helped me to explain life to my two wonderful daughters, and has helped them to grow into incredibly inspirational young ladies.  Now it's being utilised to bring light, knowledge and love back into our realities.

If you look back over your own life, you'll start to notice your own training for this day.  The unusual experiences or knowledge that you have, the interests that have resulted in you being known as a nerd or a geek, perhaps the knowledge that you were given from stories at your grandparents' knees.  Once you start to look for the clues, you'll find them everywhere.  They'll be in the music you love, in the films that you've seen, the life you've lived.  There isn't another person in the world who's had the same life as you, and that's what makes you so important in all of this.

My role is to help to guide you towards our beautiful destination.  You will quickly find that you have people in your own immediate social and family circle who can guide you on a more personal level.  Your role will be something entirely relevant to your own experiences in the lead up to today.  Perhaps you're a teacher, or a carer, a nurse or a gardener.  Your soul has been here many times before, and within the same soul group as previous incarnations.  My family are old souls, with a new addition who was brought to us so that we could help him to grow in this life.  I'm very proud to say that we've done an incredible job between us, and he'll being fulfilling his role very soon!!  He currently has no idea, but that's what his big sister is here for! I hope you can see how exciting this is!  It's time to wake up your family and friends!  You'll know when the time is right.  For me, it's now.  For you, it could be in a few days or weeks, but your own personal guide will arrive very soon if you need one.  If you feel able and armed with enough information, then you're the guide for your family and friends.

We're all vital to this experience, there is no lower pay grade, or disciplinary procedure.  Whether you involve yourself or not is entirely your choice, because... Well, because Free Will!  If you'd rather play on video games than help to save the world then you're absolutely free to do that because there are so many of us already helping to turn the cogs behind the scenes that one less person won't really make a difference.  

One more always helps though! 

 There is no I in team?

Sure about that?

Every team has lots of "I"s, they're the individuals that make up the collective.  That's what we all are.  Individuals.  Maybe that's what "I" stands for?  Let's have a listen to Paolo Nutini while we ponder that possibility...

If you want a little peek into my particular trail of crumbs, then the speech in this song is from Charlie Chaplin's 1940 film, The Great Dictator.  A friend sent that speech to me in a private message on Facebook back on the 1st of October. It was the first time I'd heard of it, but in the time since then, it's been everywhere!  I particularly loved this version of it, because it's the entire speech from 1940, but it's also images and video from more recent times.  I think it's an incredibly powerful combination, see if you agree...


Watching Journey 2 The Mysterious Island has been today's inspiration, and I hope it will help you on your own personal journey as well.  The clues within the film and the way they solve them as a team effort is a direct correlation between the film and our lives right now.  You are the I in TEAM.  And we, are the A Team!! No matter how many different places we find ourselves imprisoned, as individuals we will find exactly the right tools, information and skills at our fingertips.  Now that we're going to be working in teams, we can put those tools and skills together and come up with the best creation the Universe has ever seen.

The Universe knows what it looks like, and that vision is being passed on to us.  My vision was dripfed over several months, but it appears that technological advances behind the scenes mean that we now have the technology for you to see for yourself in a far quicker time.  We are not alone.  Many of us have been aware for some time of the angelic, ancestral, alien, and ancient help we are receiving.  Look at all those A's.  My mum will be so proud!! :)  

This blog will become your A to Z of Lightworking.  Those are the A's, and the Z is Zion.  

When I was little, my younger sisters and I used to make up dances and put on performances for our Mum and Dad.  We'd spend hours practicing, and then put the show on once and then there'd be another show sometime when we'd heard a new song we liked.  In the 70s and 80s it was actively encouraged to mime the words of the songs by way of a dance, rather than the provocative gyrations of today's world.  I don't remember exactly when it was, but I do seem to recall coming up with a Boney M song - and when I read the Wikipedia page for Zion, I read these words:
Some examples from the book of Psalms, which have been frequently recited and memorized by Jews for centuries, state:
  • "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Tzion." (Psalms 137:1)
  • "For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Tzion. How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land? If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy. Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Raze it, raze it, even to the foundation thereof; O daughter of Babylon, that art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that repayeth thee as thou hast served us." (Psalms 137:3-8, italics for words not in the original Hebrew)
  • "The Lord doth build up Jerusalem: he gathereth together the outcast of Israel. Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Tzion." (Psalms 147:2,12)
My recent blog about Bill Maher's documentary film, Religulous, talks about Solomon's Temple and decries the fact that so many religions are fighting over one place.  I've been unable to understand why everyone can't go there to offer whatever prayer they wish, and it's only now that I realise the true sacred importance of that geographical site.  It is important to us all, whether Christian, Muslim, Jew, Rastafari, spiritual or agnostic.  Zion appears in popular culture all around us, in films, music and even band names.  

Its importance has been underestimated, and now is the time for us all to reclaim it peacefully.

The journey you're about to embark on may appear scary at times.  You may come face to face with some of your biggest fears, but I'm here to remind you that you have nothing to fear but fear itself.  Your fears are the only thing holding you back now, and when you look at your fears rationally, you know they are irrational.  Take the step outside the box.  Read some of my other blogs to get yourself familiar with the breadcrumbs I've been left along the way, because they involve the science behind what I'm saying now.  

One of the ideas within Quantum Theory that I've come to disagree with though, is the theory that our thoughts create our reality.  This week I had a situation where I was finding it very difficult to shake off some bad feelings about something that I wanted to let go of - and thought I HAD let go of!  Then I watched this video on the Mystery Schools International website and was reminded of this:
"Your thoughts do not create your reality.  Your perception does.  Your thoughts are only a tiny part of it"
How many people "always knew" they were going to be successful in their chosen field?  Or their parents "always knew"?   Your thoughts do become things, but not until you've thought them for long enough for them to become a belief.  Once you believe you can do something, you can.  

When I was 4 or 5, some of my friends were practicing hand stands in the playground at school.  I tried and tried, but I'm just not a sporty type and I couldn't manage it at all.  Then my friend Shaun gave me a short piece of wire he happened to have with him (I never have asked him why he had it!) and he pressed it into my hand, saying "try it holding on to this wire Sarah, it's magic wire so you'll be able to do one".  He was very smart for a 5 year old, because I managed to do a handstand on my first attempt with the aid of the wire!

I believed in magic when I was small, but over the years I forgot.  I was taught boring facts in history, and vaguely knew about the wonderful stories in Ancient Mythology.  I watched films with a genuine sense of wonder and felt slightly changed by music and poetry, in ways I'd struggle to verbalise.  In time I stopped believing, but then something strange happened.

Songs like Don't Stop Believin' became the most covered song in the history of everything (or so it appeared!), people started sharing beautiful pictures of amazing places they'd visited, places I'd never heard of before.  Trends started with hashtags, and the whole world started doing little things together instead of tiny individual acts.  Ice bucket challenges brought the world together in favour of one cause, and not only was awareness raised, but now the charities who benefitted can help more people - and not just people who are suffering from ALS.

The world is already coming together in ways we've never been able to before.  We're already changing things by speaking out against injustice.  In 2014, we saved lives just by speaking out.  We should all be very proud of our achievements so far.  We've been making a huge difference for a long time - much longer than we've realised!!

You're already a part of something huge.  You have been for your whole life.  

Don't be afraid of anything you see in this video.  It was made a couple of years ago, and we're more advanced now so we have no need to fear anything any longer.  We are being guided by the Angels, Ancients, Ancestors, Aliens and Source itself.  I'm here to help, and I'm not alone either.  Thousands of other Light Workers have been making their way through Guardian University.  I'm still studying, just like everybody else, and some of the other students have attained higher levels than I have.  They guide me when I need it, just like the nice prefects in school did.  The teachers and Headteachers are with us as well, all we need to do is listen, and follow the breadcrumbs.  The birds didn't eat them, they knew how important they were for today.

This film is your wake up call  Now is the time to choose whether to hit the snooze button (the little red cross in the top corner) or to get up and get ready for the school days that really will be forever remembered as the best days of your life.  It's not time for blame, we've all been tricked through no fault of our own. This is the time to work together, for a better world - and a whole new reality!

If you choose the snooze, you don't lose.  Just remember to come back here when you're ready to wake up.  We'll still be waiting for you, and you'll be welcomed with Open Arms.  Thank you once again Mr Guy Garvey (not Gravy haha!!) 

Remember always.  
You are not alone.  
You never were.  
And you are loved.  
More than you could ever imagine.

Welcome to the A Team!!

(Except I'm coming as Wonder Woman - who will you be?!)

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